Advertising opportunity

Advertising opportunity image

Are you a local business owner or a business in and around the Ottery St Mary area?

If your answer is yes, then this your chance to shout about your business or services you provide.

The directory listing feature on this website will provide the community of Ottery and surrounding areas with a list of businesses and shops which can provide just what they need without having to go too far from home.  Remember Shop Local!

Get your business noticed and drive more traffic to your website or even just have a web presence if you haven't got a website.  You will be able to tell people all about what you can do for them as well as provide a link to your website and provide contact details so they can get in touch.

If you'd like to find out more about this opportunity, then please contact us now by sending your contact details (contact name, business name, business address, contact telephone number and an email address) to or click on the link below and fill in the form.

We will be in touch shortly.  We can put your business on the map!

For more information please visit