Our local library needs your help! image

Our local library needs your help!

The future of our local library is under threat! A good local library is a marvellous asset to any town but once it goes, it is unlikely to return! A Friends Group is being formed to support and...

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Community Market - 31st May image

Community Market - 31st May

Don't miss out on the Community Market this weekend at the Institute 9.30am start.

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Fit steps back on the 6th June image

Fit steps back on the 6th June

There is no class next week (30 May) but Deborah and Helen are back on the 6th June. See you all there!

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24th May Fair - Cadhay House image

24th May Fair - Cadhay House

This fantastic yearly event is organised by the parish church and is taking place this Saturday 24th, 11am - 4pm at Cadhay House. This is a beautiful location and an event not to be missed and tours...

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Presentation Day and Fun Day at Ottery FC - New date 18th May 2014 image

Presentation Day and Fun Day at Ottery FC - New date 18th May 2014

Due to high winds the Presentation Day and Fun Day has had to be postponed till next week. Hopefully better weather then.

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